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Can I withhold rent if landlord does not fix my rodent issue

The following is an actual conversation between an Uprise RI user and our Helping Hand chat assistant. The most helpful conversations, as determined by our editors, will be showcased on our homepage, with personally identifying details removed when applicable.

Posted April 15, 2024

User: Can I withhold rent if landlord does not fix rodent issue

The Helping Hand: If you’re dealing with a rodent issue in your rental property in Rhode Island and your landlord has not addressed the problem, you do have some options. Rhode Island law allows tenants to take certain actions when their landlord fails to maintain the property in a habitable condition, which includes addressing pest infestations. Before withholding rent, you must first notify your landlord in writing about the rodent issue and give them a reasonable amount of time to fix the problem. If the landlord fails to act within a reasonable period, typically 20 days, you may have the right to withhold rent until the issue is resolved. However, this can be a complex area of law and it’s important to follow the proper legal procedures to ensure you’re protected. Would you like guidance on how to properly notify your landlord, or do you need information on legal services that can help you with this process?

User: [Exited]

The Helping Hand is a free service provided by Uprise RI for Rhode Islanders. It uses state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology and vast training on RI landlord/tenant law and consumer protection to provide helpful tips and resources specific to the user's needs, at no charge. Help support The Helping Hand with a donation of any kind.