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My landlord hasn’t given my security deposit back. How long do I have to wait before it becomes something I can take to court?

The following is an actual conversation between an Uprise RI user and our Helping Hand chat assistant. The most helpful conversations, as determined by our editors, will be showcased on our homepage, with personally identifying details removed when applicable.

Posted March 29, 2024

User: Hi, my landlord hasn’t given my security deposit back. How long do I have to wait before it becomes something I can take to court?

The Helping Hand: In Rhode Island, your landlord is required to return your security deposit or provide an itemized list of deductions within 20 days after the end of your tenancy. If they fail to do so, you can take legal action to recover your deposit. If you’re past the 20-day mark and haven’t received your deposit or an itemized list, you may want to consider reaching out to a local tenant’s rights organization or seeking legal advice on the next steps to take. Would you like assistance in finding local resources or legal support for this issue?

User: What’s the name of the law or ordinance where I can find this information?

The Helping Hand: The laws governing the return of security deposits in Rhode Island are outlined in the Rhode Island Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, specifically in Section 34-18-19. This section details the requirements for landlords to return security deposits, allowable deductions, and the timeline they must follow after the end of tenancy. You can access the full text of the law online through the Rhode Island General Assembly’s website or consult with a legal professional for more detailed information. Would you like a link to where you can read the law, or do you need help with something else?

User: Thank you!

The Helping Hand is a free service provided by Uprise RI for Rhode Islanders. It uses state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology and vast training on RI landlord/tenant law and consumer protection to provide helpful tips and resources specific to the user's needs, at no charge. Help support The Helping Hand with a donation of any kind.